Musk Ketone Substitute
Musk Ketone Substitute has been created to replace Musk Ketone, where invariably there is likely to be an element of Musk Xylene present.
Musk Xylene has been banned throughout the EU and therefore Musk Ketone Substitute (hence the name) can be used safely instead of Musk Ketone, but without the risk of hazard to eco systems and contravention of the ban.
Product specification.
Odour Description (decreasing): Sweet, Musky, with the delicate aroma of classic Ketone Musk
Odour Strength: Medium
Usage: Effective from the smallest traces, through to 20%
Solvent: None
Synonyms: Musk Ketone Replacer, Nitromusk Substitute, Ketonex M, Ketonex M IFF, Ketonex
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