Aldehyde C16 Strawberry 1
Aldehyde C16 (Strawberry Glycidate) is a fruity, aromatic Strawberry, Honey, phenolic fantasy top note modifier.
Often used in floral compositions to add a gentle fruity tonality, it can also add warmth and sweetness, supporting top notes and blending well with Ionones and other fruity lactones and esters.
Deliberately mis-named Aldehyde C16; Strawberry Glycidate is not an aldehyde but an epoxide ester and was deliberately mis-named to throw competing researchers in the industry trying to replicate aroma molecules off the scent. By naming the molecule Aldehyde C16 other chemists would think the new molecule was an Aldehyde, which would start their research off in completely the wrong direction. The name Aldehyde C16 stuck however and even though it is not an aldehyde, it’s still commonly referred to and recognised by that name.
Aldehyde C16 is used in perfume compositions not only for its fruity note which is utilised in lipstick perfumes with Ionones and fruity Lactones, but also as a sweetener in floral complexes for use in fragrance types other than the typical floral ones, e.g. Chypre, Oriental, etc. It blends well with the aliphatic aldehydes for sweet and powerful topnote base complexes, with Hydroxycitronellal, Ionones, Aldehyde C18 and Undecanolide, etc. in floral or sweet-woody or woody aldehydic bases, and it is a classical item in Rose compositions.
Aldehyde C16 Strawberry Glycidate is often described as smelling like “fantasy strawberry”, meaning… a little goes a long way!
Besides adding Strawberry to a perfume; Aldehyde C16 also carries a sweet floral undertone. This makes it the perfect partner to floral notes like Rose and Jasmine.
Whilst we confine strawberry picking to the fields, almost all perfumers will choose Aldehyde C16 when they want to introduce Strawberry into a fragrance and is a must have for every perfumer.
Product specification.
CAS No: 77-83-8
Odour description (decreasing): Sweet, Berry, Strawberry, Fruity, Floral Nuances, Powerful
Solvent: DPG to give a 1% Solution of Aldehyde C16
Synonyms: Strawberry Glycidate
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